[SPARCbook] RDI BriteLIte

Michael Thompson m_thompson at ids.net
Fri Oct 8 12:20:35 CDT 2004

>have just acqired an RDI BriteLIte SPARC Luggable off of Ebay.com.au,
> for $10, having trouble finding information, specifications, upgrade
options etc...
>any help would be much appreciated.
>the world is round afterall 

I have BriteLites with IPC, IPX, and LX motherboards in them. Your
BriteLite should say which version it is. All of the options and
limitations for the standard Sun workstations are the same. You can run
SunOS with special RDI drivers for the LCD video board. I run NetBSD on

Michael Thompson
E-Mail: M_Thompson at IDS.net

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