[SPARCbook] egocentric moron

Len Rose len at netsys.com
Wed Mar 29 12:03:53 CST 2000

Today I received an admonishment from some johnny-come-lately twit
about my last message. This is an open "bandwidth-wasting" letter to him.

Before telling people to read the rfc on netiquette you should find out
who they are, how long they've been on the internet before you're
embarrassed publicly.

Go back to playing with your linux peecee but don't fuck with the real 
hackers who've preceeded you by at least 15 years.

Too many of your kind are what makes the people who helped create the
internet wish they could create another network just to leave
your kind behind. (hint: find out who BARRNET was, and who the people that
built one of the original NSF providers that Sun, Cisco, Apple, HP, and
UCB used - and whom has longer history with unix and the internet than you 
have probably been alive) 

I can only imagine how many others on this list have received your
sarcastic, condescending mail before.. I for one won't tolerate it.

(if the list admin wishes he may remove me from the mailing list -- it is
 not an issue)

Len Rose
len at netsys.com

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