[SPARCbook] Need Replacement Lexmark pointing device

Senior, Bart Bart_Senior at adc.com
Wed Mar 29 12:57:09 CST 2000

I have a SparckBook 3 w/ 2 GB drive, 64 MB RAM and a dead battery, and defective pointer.  

The pointer is my main problem.  I lost side to side movement.  Tadpole wants me to return the unit, at some expense to refurbish it.  I ruled that option out due to cost.  I was unable to get a hold of anyone at Lexmart on this subject.  

An external Sun keyboard and mouse work fine, which lead me to conclude that the pointer itself is broken.  I found that taking Sparcbook apart was fairly easy.  So I tried cleaning the ribbon cable for this device without success.

Does anyone have this part for sale?  I need from the pointer back through the end of the ribbon cable.  I am going to talk to IBM next to see if their pointer come from Lexmart and if they sell this part.

Also, I am thinking oabout buying a 6 or 8 GB IDE drive and adapter.  Perhaps a group purchase would provide some leverage?  Anyone interested?

These seem to be the folks to talk to:  http://store.powerbook1.com/harddrives.html

Finally, I'd like to thank those who put the FAQ together.  Lots of good stuff in there.

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