[SPARCbook] Unfortunate sparcbook mishaps

Dan Moniz dnm at neith.net
Thu Aug 26 21:55:19 CDT 1999

Hi all,

Recently, my sparcbook 3GX ran into some trouble. I was on vacation in
Arizona recently, with the sparcbook (which is another story, but one
that's not relevant to this one, so it can wait) when the screen came
into some considerable damage.

A friend was tinkering away on the sparcbook, when I went to get a
JavaStation from over top of him off a shelf. Unbeknownst to me, a small
plastic stand that was part of the JavaStation fell away from it and on
to the ground. I didn't know it immediately, but it had also careened
off the open sparcbook screen as well, denting the outer plastic and
breaking the glass LCD behind it. Needless to say, this left only about
1/10th of the screen (that on the far right) perfectly visible. Not 
very fun.

I immediately emailed Tadpole-RDI. The got back to me very promptly
quoting a price of USD $350.00 + parts + shipping for Time & Materials
repairs. It's comforting to know that my sparcbook can be fixed, yet I
drained myself of most of my available cash getting the sparcbook
itself. Bemoan the life of a student ;]

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew the technical specs on the
plastic screen, the LCD monitor, and the other related parts. I have
been meaning to leaf through the technical reference, now that I'm back
from vacation to see if there's any info in there.

In short, I'm looking for a less expensive mode of repair. Since the
sparcbook isn't under warranty, I'm not worried about violating it, just
having a decent job done and getting back to it's previous shape (I do
need a new battery, but that's less critical).

Any ideas?

dnm [dnm at neith.net]

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