[SPARCbook] 16/32 bit GS?

Lion Templin ltemplin at monolith.leonine.com
Thu Aug 26 22:09:28 CDT 1999

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Scott D. Yelich wrote:

> ps: I just mounted the ATA disk, did a cd /mnt/tmp and cat'd a file...
> and the system hung hard.  I can ls -laR /mnt and it's ok... I just
> can't seem to read from it. :-/

If you own the 260M "Calluna" ATA disc, this is the behavior mine exhibits
(I can write to the drive just fine, but it hangs the system until you eject
the card) .. as well have others mentioned similar problems.


= lion is Lion J Templin (KB9ENE)                         lion at leonine.com =
=  ||        //             ||>            UNIX Systems Consulting for the =
=  ||=EONINE \\OMPUTATIONAL ||\ESOURCES       Northland FROM the Northland =
=  UNIX Systems Consultants                         http://www.leonine.com =

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