[rescue] On surplus gear

Robert Darlington rdarlington at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 15:50:56 CST 2011

3 channel or 3 beam?

I have equipment that there is no modern equivalent for that is still used
in cal procedures, like my HP 3325A for low frequency stuff (it uses a
precision stepped attenuator for extremely accurate and precise output -not
quite a leveled sine wave generator but infinitely more useful).


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Bill Blum <bill.blum at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 13:25:27 +0200
> > From: gsm at mendelson.com
> > Someday someone will come in and say their HP signal generator died and
> > they
> > need to replace it, so they can use it to repair an item that is
> specified
> > to be aligned using that device.
> >
> This sort of behavior is how I wound up with a NIST-calibrated triple-trace
> oscilloscope for $50:  because the calibration procedure for a major piece
> of equipment changed at the local military installation, and suddenly a
> bunch of local surplus shops saw no value in keeping boatanchors around
> that
> they weren't going to be able to move until the ham radio convention came
> to
> town, bringing busloads of hams.
> ---
> Bill Blum
> Bill.Blum at gmail.com
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