[rescue] Help in reconfiguring Flexline680 (SUN/STK) array

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu May 20 13:19:09 CDT 2010

Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> I just sent a few text messages back and forth with a friend who used
> to work at STK and knows a little about them.
> Quote:  "The hardware is a boat anchor without the software."
> He didn't give a lot of details, but didn't hold out a lot of hope for
> you.  Best bet is to try to find a STK guru who held onto the CDs.
> If you are sure they are RAID0 on each unit, just mirror each RAID0 to
> get RAID10; that might give you enough redundancy.

Ew.  Mirroring RAID0s is a particularly messy solution, no?

Peace...  Sridhar

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