[rescue] Oracle making just a little harder to keep old machines in use

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed May 5 14:34:20 CDT 2010

gsm at mendelson.com wrote:
> On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 09:44:52AM -0500, Jonathan Patschke wrote:
>> It's curious how people seem to be surprised that Oracle's purchase of
>> Sun
>> has not prevented Oracle from continuing to act like Oracle. For the
>> purposes of the Sun community at large, IBM would've been a much better
>> host body for the ghost of Sun Microsystems.
> Why? IBM already has competing products in all of the lines that SUN had,
> except the X86 which they sold off.

Actually, IBM didn't sell *that* line of x86 stuff off.  They only sold 
off the low-end stuff.

Peace...  Sridhar

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