[rescue] OT: windows server question

stephen price sd_price at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 16:34:45 CDT 2007

> How does that process run?  If it runs as a service,
> does it run as a 
> user account that you could have map the drive? 
> Typically drive 
> mappings are per user, not per server, although i
> should say that i have 
> no experience with CIFS NAS, so there could easily
> be something that i'm 
> missing.

This particular custom process moves a lot of data
around constantly - so I need to have a very large
data drive available - and in this case - the "only"
available disk is nas disk.

I don't want to have - and it is detrimental - to have
- someone logged on at all times.  Although that is
exactly what we are currently doing - and the constant
logged on -  is causing issues in its own right.  So
I'm exploring whether it can be done at the registry
level or somewhere else so that no one has to stay
logged on.

I just don't have the windows knowledge - hence my
asking to the larger group knowledgebase herein.



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