[rescue] exb210

Ian Viemeister sun-rescue at ian.viemeister.com
Fri Jan 6 17:31:06 CST 2006

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 alex at lava-net.com wrote:

> It seems that this particular unit does have a barcode scanner.

Actually present in your unit, or just listed on the specs as an option?

> I just have to figure out how to change the control mode from SCSI to
> console so I can do some tests with the onboard diags.

Interface -> Control Mode -> LCD

Obviously, remember to flip it back to SCSI *before* trying to control it
from your host.... (Not that I've forgotten before or anything.......)

> On a similar note, does anyone know of a program for unix (specifically
> linux) that I can use to send raw commands to the SCSI generic device
> that the autoloader uses?

mtx(1) is designed to control most standard autoloaders.


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