[rescue] SGI Challenge L systems available in Denver

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Thu Sep 16 11:51:40 CDT 2004

Well, I let it run overnight once without any ducting, and the room was 
warmer than normal, but not that bad. But that was with no load and in 
it's current configuration (16x195MHz R10k). In a couple of weeks it 
will be getting a bit of an upgrade (12 more processors, 1GB more 
memory) and I hope to have it running next week (I keep putting off 
installing the OS, because it's such a pain) at that point, I will at 
least load SETI to keep it busy, so we will see what kind of heat it 
puts out.

I have quite a few machines running in the room, lots of which are 
clients machines (I run a hosting/co-locating company on the side) and 
I can't have my toys cause problems with their machines.

One thing that surprised me was the lack of heat the e450 generates. I 
was expecting much more heat (and noise) out of it.


On 16-Sep-04, at 10:02 AM, Ethan O'Toole wrote:

>> My plan for my Challenge XL is to vent the hot air coming out the top
>> out the window with some ducting. The heat transfered through the
>> machine will be handled by the AC (which is capable of keeping the 
>> room
>> (430sqft) at 10C all summer (with about 20 pc's running).
>> Thankfully the building manager is fairly clueless and is charging me 
>> a
>> ridiculously low amount for power.
>> And winter is coming, so free AC ;-)
>> shawn
> Awesome!
> Do you find that it really increases the temperature in the room that
> much? Is it fully loaded?
> Worst ones for me I think are Cisco 7513 and the UPS now.
> I had an onyx RE^2 at home and it would heat up the room it was in 
> pretty
> good.
> Roomates would shut it down the minute I walk away and turn it off.
> -- 
> .--[Ethan O'Toole]-------------------------------+
> : www.757tech.com  757 Technologies  (757)233-9460
> : +    Hosting : Coloc : Networking : Security  +
> : Wireless : Onsite services : Unix/Linux/Windows
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