[rescue] bits and pieces

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 14 11:59:23 CDT 2003

--- "Sheldon T. Hall" <shel at cmhcsys.com> wrote:

> I'm also trying to thin my collection.  A lot of it's not
> computer-related, and what of it that is, is mostly obsolete
> PC gear that lacks distinction or interest.

Me too - I have decided to make a pile of them and work them up (based
on processor speed) and try and make some useful machines for friends
kids (in the 3-> 6 yr. old range) for trivial kids programs (or as home
Citrix clients for co-workers without PCs)...

> Fortunately, for me there exists an alternative to shipping my crap
> to Dave's garage.  Each year, the local Rotary club has a giant,
> island-wide rummage sale.  You can give 'em almost anything (exit
> my crap) and anything not bought at the sale (enter someone else's
> crap) ends up at an appropriate charity (exeunt omnes).

Island? Do tell...

Sounds nice - I too am trying to clean out my storage space - phase one
is getting rid of my old monitor boxes/shipping boxes/etc... Open up
some working space for the "crap tiage" festival...


"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software"
Bill Gates, in "An OpenLetter to Hobbyists" dated February 3, 1976

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