[rescue] Spam (was: Perverse Question)
Mike Hebel
nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Sat Jun 7 10:02:08 CDT 2003
On Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 09:51 AM, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> Yeah, but screw up _just_once_, and your address will be on every spam
> list
> in China, and you'll get innundated. In my case, the spam that gets
> through
> outnumbers the legitimate e-mail; I have no idea how much goes in the
> bit-bucket before it gets to the company's POP server.
Which is why running my own mail server I have a spamtrap at nimizbrood.com
Personally since e-mail addresses are so cheap to make I think it would
be an effective solution for each user to have two. A public, read:
spammable, address and a private one. If they give out the wrong one -
oh well. But in most cases it wouldn't be an issue to setup two
accounts on a client with some rules to forward the spam account to a
spam folder. They could then use the spam account for setting up online
> Until they apply the "illegal access" laws and make spamming a crime,
> and
> the knowing transmission of it a civil offense, those of us who must be
> available will continue to seek technological defenses.
No argument from me on that one. I didn't say Spamasssasin wasn't a
good tool. I merely point out that it wasn't necessary for most
situations where you would be using an IPX/IPC for mail. Besides, as
Curtis pointed out in another e-mail the IPX maxes out at 64meg, or 128+
if you use two 64's in the first bank. Depends on the box I think.
Regardless that's more than enough RAM to handle the situation. Even
48meg on an IPC would be fine as long as you weren't running a lot
(200+) account on the box.
Mike Hebel
Medieval Combat anyone? http://www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=694655
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