[rescue] Re: Cool Sgi, with link this time (Dave McGuire)

roosmcd at dds.nl roosmcd at dds.nl
Mon Mar 4 14:14:21 CST 2002

> > > However, be aware that it will definitely go for more than $99.
> > 
> > Not sure how much more though... I'm not interested, but I looked at
> > completed items with r10k or r10000 in the title, and found:
>   This is a TREMENDOUS amount of bang for the buck.  I suspect the
> prices on these machines have tanked because of the huge number of
> them that have been hitting the streets over the past year or two.

 Lots of these machines appear to come off-lease recently. When I bought my 
machine (about a year ago), they were talking in quantities of hundreds 
available. I have a similar machine, R10k-175, 640Mb (they forgot to take out 
an extra 386 Mb in the machine, before it was sold to me :) originally with a 
solid impact; as of 1 week, it's got high-impact and since a couple of hours 
Indigo2video for impact :). 

 When you get an Indigo2, try to get a high-impact instead of solid, it's just 
so much better with texture memory. And it's usually much cheaper to buy a 
machine with high-impact than to do an upgrade later on. Or go for max-impact, 
but you can only run one option card along with that and it tends to be too 

 For more information on the Indigo2:


Ps. I now have a spare solid impact frame buffer spare, can be used as second 
frame buffer or upgrade for an impact ready system. If anyone is interested, 
please mail me.

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