[rescue] StorageWorks cabinet rescue

William W. Arnold warnold at vipnet.org
Mon Mar 4 11:22:17 CST 2002

Bjorn Ramqvist writes ---
>> Does anyone else listening have the 18G firmware?
>Well, I have since we're under maintainence contract. However, we only
>have PCMCIA-cards, so if anyone here knows how to update or read these
>cards, let me know.

Do you have a spare card? :-)
(I'd actually rather swap cards, overwriting the old firmware
just seems so permanent.)

>> Note that the scsi busses run vertically through the 4
>> shelves, so the bottom shelf is target 0 on buss's
>> 1-6, the second shelf is target 1, etc.
>That sounds 100% like our "RAIDarray 410" boxes. 6 SCSI-buses split over
>SCSI-ID 0-3, making 24 disk drives.
>On the back of our boxes it reads "SW300-AA" and what you've seen,

I've found a sticker with the "SW300" label, but no -AA.

>"SWXSC-AA". Some of these boxes have a sticker behind the front door,
>"WIDE SCSI CAPABLE", and they work 100% OK with the blue SBB's (Wide,

No WIDE sticker unfortunatly. (don't I wish)

>Performence-wise, the best cost/performence for us is to make a 6-member
>RAIDset spanning all six channels. I don't think the HSOF supports
>24-member RAIDsets though. In that case, make four individual RAIDsets
>and software-stripe across'em.

Looks like a max of 14 in my version.  I'll probably do something like
that when I finish playing with it, and put it to work.

>Anything more than 1-2 spare drives is a waste IMO. :-)

Of course.

-billy- warnold at vipnet.org

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