[rescue] All this talk of X Terminals has me wondering...

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at bfr.co.il
Sat Jul 27 14:03:34 CDT 2002

dave at cca.org wrote:

> The SS5 SCSI is on the motherboard. Making a different version
> of the motherboard seems odd. 

Not that I've seen ALL or even MOST, but AFIK, the ROMS checked a bit in
the battery backed up ram. Set one way it was an SS5, set the other it was
an X-terminal and SCSI did not work.

The proper commands to reset the bits needed are well documented should be
easy to find. Meaning I don't remember what they are or where to find them. 
Old age strikes again. :-)

Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Bloomberg L.P., BFM (Israel) 2 hours ahead of London, 7 hours ahead of New York.
Tel:  972-(0)3-754-1158 Fax 972-(0)3-754-1236 Email: gmendelson at bloomberg.com 

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