SAT Scores (was: [rescue] re: gps and mac&cheese, et al.)

James Sharp jsharp at
Mon Jul 8 23:14:59 CDT 2002

> > On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 03:47:46PM -0400, Loomis, Rip wrote:
> >> Hmm...anyone else here take the SATs in 5th - 7th grade?
> >> There was something Duke used to sponsor that sucked up a
> >> few people I know...and IIRC my 6th grade score would still have
> >> been in the top ~ten of my high school graduating class.
> >
> > We did the ACTs.
> 24 in 7th grade.  That's higher than the valedictorian of our highschool of
> 475 students.  Grades are dumb.

I feel so cheated never having taken the SAT or ACT or the EIEIO.

I did take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery...tests
of "Real Life"...none of this "Can you read this paragraph and answer
questions" shit) in HS, though.  Boy, did I piss off the valeDICKtorian
when he found out I beat him by several marks.

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