[rescue] Mac SE 30

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Tue Dec 17 13:39:03 CST 2002

Because I prefer OpenBSD over NetBSD and I already have a machine that I 
plan on running A/UX on if I ever get around to it.


Al Potter wrote:

>Why run open on that machine when it will run NetBSD or even Better, A/UX?
>>Ok, so I'm sick. But after reading an article on someone installing
>>OpenBSD on a Mac SE 30 with 5MB of ram, I want to do it. Does anyone
>>have a complete, functional Mac SE 30, with say 64MB of ram, 500MB HD,
>>and ethernet? 
>>(hmmm, I wonder if my PB100 is supported?)
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