Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 10 11:28:43 CDT 2001

Everyone please read this.  Thanks.

Mailing List(s) Policies: 5/2001

 policies for listmembers who are SALESPEOPLE or HEADHUNTERS:

 1. please do not contact other listmembers or cull their names/phone
 numbers/addresses for your files/mass mailings/cold calls/etc, *unless*
 a list member specifically requests it (e.g, "I need a zigwatzimfram, 
 anybody got one?", or "I'm looking for a job in upper Albania..").  
 If the listmanagers (bill or amy) find out you have been harassing the 
 other list members in any form that is unsatisfactory to the contactee, 
 your list membership (on all the sunhelp lists) will be summarily removed. 
 2. if you make a living selling hardware or software, keep all your
 for-sale listings to the SALES list:


 HOWEVER, if you are a vendor and have hardware that you would like to 
 give away / get rid of (and not scrap it), send details to mrbill at mrbill.net
 and we will forward the info to the appropriate lists.

 policies for listmembers who are ADMINS, TECHNICAL PROFFESSIONALS,
 1. this is your sandbox. please keep it neat and tidy by trimming excess
 text from your replies.  also, DO NOT send non-plain-text email (HTML
 email, Base64, etc),  file attachments, or chain letters to the lists.
 2. standard usenet rules apply (i.e., if in a discussion you happen to
 compare someone to hitler, you've lost the argument and its over).
 3. flamewars will not be tolerated.  treat other listmembers as you would
 like to be treated.  off-topic threads should be moved to the geeks list: 

 4. we do our best to keep cold-callers from your doorstep. please *help
 report offenders to mrbill at sunhelp.org / turtlex at frenzy.com., *IF* they
 say they got your info from one of the SunHELP lists.
 about sunhelp:
 from 9-5ish cst, sunhelp is managed by amy (turtlex at frenzy.com).
 historically less tolerant of shenanigans than bill, she rules with a
 large and stubborn stick. in her spare time she is rumored to work as a
 cabana girl and likes to perfect her macaroon recipe.
 at all other times, sunhelp is managed by bill(mrbill at sunhelp.org). he's
 the nice, tolerant guy with the strange sense of humor. in his spare
 time he likes bringing home piles of equipment just to see his wife's
 expression. he also enjoys taste-testing the macaroons and prefers them
 crunchy on top.

Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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