[SunRescue] Seagate Hawk misbehavior

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Feb 6 13:33:14 CST 2001

>>Ok, why would a Segate Hawk 1GB drive make a noise that
>>sounds like it is trying to spin up, then spin down, then
>>spin back up, constantly, the entire time it's connected
>>to power?

Usually this is a problem with the controller circuitry on the drive.  Does
it do this if the SCSI cable is disconnected? - i.e. power wire only.

>>I just had one shipped (!UPS!) from a supplier
>>whose wares have been totally reliable in the past.
>>This is the first time I bought a hard disk from them,
>>though. Before I decide it's my last, any ideas?

The vendor's wares may be reliable but UPS isn't.  You definitely want to
contact the supplier if the drive turns out to be bad.

>>Anyway, can bad jumper settings do this? Or did UPS
>>drop it off the back of a truck?

Bad settings _could_ do this - possibly the loss of a factory set jumper
however the game of "Shipping Box Rugby" does come to mind. ;-)

>>I tried shorting the motor start jumper, but the drive's behavior did
>>not change.

Usually when this jumper is set the drive will spin up and stay up.  If it's
not properly spinning up with this jumper in either setting them something
else is wrong.  One way it spins up when the controller tells it to - the
other way it spins up when the drive is powered on.

Try the drive with just the power connected and see if it does the same
thing.  If it does then obviously return it for exchange if possible.  You
might also want to (if you haven't already) check Seagate's web site for the
"default" drive jumper settings for that drive.  Couldn't hurt.

Do you have another system you could try the drive in?

Mike Hebel

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