[geeks] Windows XP EOL

Rjtoegel rjtoegel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 18:28:04 CST 2014

Find a "copy" that doesn't require activation.

I still use it at work but our machines are so old that few are running 7.  No
problem for me cuz I'm bailing at the end of June anyway.


On Feb 10, 2014, at 1:49 AM, Dan Duncan <danduncan at gmail.com> wrote:

> So Windows XP is finally going EOL again (they mean it this time!) and I
> was wondering if anyone else still uses it much.  I own multiple licensed
> copies which I still use for VMs and for playing the occasional legacy
> game.  I periodically re-install which hasn't been a major issue but I'm
> assuming that when support ends they'll also drop the ability to activate
> the install which likely will cause me some grief.
> Any thoughts on how I can continue to keep XP running?
> --
> Dan Duncan
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