[geeks] Java as a first language

Robert Pasken rpasken at eas.slu.edu
Fri Nov 10 20:10:18 CST 2006

My son is "learning" python in his first programming class in college. 
Python has damaged his concepts of programming almost beyond repair.
Before he took this class, he could put together simple code to handle 
in C or in BASIC to solve simple numerical problems (he's an engineer).
Now confused by python's BUL**** he is too confused to write code to do
anything. It is not the teacher, the book or anything else but the 
framework python forces you to write code in. I would rather had him
learn line-number BASIC first. At least the framework is solid.

	_          |----------------------------------------------------|
       (  )        |  Dr. Robert W. Pasken                              |
      (    )       |----------------------------------------------------|
     _(     )      |  Atmospheric Sciences                              |
     (      )      |  Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences           |
     (       )     |----------------------------------------------------|
     (       )     |  306 Maclewane Hall                                |
   _(         )    |  3507 Laclede Ave.                                 |
  (            )   |  Saint Louis Missouri                              |
  (             )  |                 62201                              |
 (_______________) |----------------------------------------------------|
   /////////////   |  Phone: (314) 977-3125    FAX: (314) 977-3117      |
   ////////////    |  ---> rpasken at thunder.eas.slu.edu <---             |
 /////////////     |----------------------------------------------------|

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