[geeks] CAPSoff keyboard contest

John Francini francini at mac.com
Wed Dec 20 13:42:34 CST 2006

I had the Devil's own time getting used to the PC-style keyboard,  
which appears to be a direct descendant of the old IBM Selectric key  

You see, I spent my first 15+ years of computing using:

o ASR-33 Teletypes

o DEC VT52 terminals

o DEC VT100 terminals

o DEC VT220/320/420 terminals

o DEC workstations (with the same keyboard layouts as the VT220/320/420)

and then, finally, Macs and PCs.

All the DEC layouts (and the TTY) have the Control key where the Caps  
Lock key is.  (Caps Lock was either missing or was *below* the Shift  


On 20 Dec 2006, at 12:36, Chad McAuley wrote:

> http://capsoff.org
> Anyone else out there seen this?  It's a contest to design a new
> keyboard where the caps lock key is either removed completely, or
> moved to a different position altogether so that some other key(s) can
> take it's place.  Some of the designs feature only minor changes to
> get rid of caps lock, others are radical redesigns of the layout of
> the keyboard as a whole.  A lot of the submissions I've only glanced
> at and haven't really examined, but I'm only seeing a couple I'd even
> consider using.
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