[geeks] Subversion, two weeks of usage

Andy Wallis rawallis at panix.com
Sun Aug 27 00:14:06 CDT 2006

On Aug 26, 2006, at 6:54 PM, Robert Brooke Gravitt wrote:

> I'd be surprised if someone recommended it, as it's been EOL for
> years. Serena ( was Merant ) sells a completely re-written version
> called Dimensions. It's sweet.  PVCS wasn't.
PVCS/Dimensions is OK once you understand why Merant/Serena used an  
Oracle database to handle the data.

> Change Manager), CMVC (and later TeamConnection, both IBM), ChangeMan
> DS, and PVCS at the Enterprise level. I worked several smaller
We've been and still are using CMVC and PVCS at $WORK. The recent  
change of PVCS to ChangeMan is of the devil.  I've always wanted to  
shoot anyone who figured that that a complex web application will  
always be better than working platform GUI. The Serena abortion will  
always manage to find a way to suck every last cycle from any  
machine. How anyone can be productive with a slow moving web  
application like ChangeMan will be beyond my ken. The upgrade has  
forced me to become a script weenie with their command line frontend.  
CMVC is OK, but IBM still refuses to admit that they ever made it,

With ChangeMan and a homegrown PeopleWare application that I have  
been forced to used, I have seen that making a company eat their own  
dog food should be an explicit requirement. If you have to spend 2  
hours clicking through a web application to create a simple text  
list, your application is retarted.

-Andy Wallis

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