[geeks] home wap paranoia

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Wed Mar 17 11:05:14 CST 2004

I don't even have wep enabled, but my wireless doesn't touch my 
internal network.


On 17-Mar-04, at 11:00 AM, Daniel Johannsson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've finally decided to get myself a wireless access point at home, 
> after
> getting really tired of always snaking a long ethernet cable to where 
> ever
> I'm sitting with the laptop.
> I'm wondering how paranoid other geeks members are about people getting
> onto their wap, and out on their net connection.  I live in a fairly 
> high
> density area, with a lot of apts/condos and some coffee 
> shops/restaurants
> withing probable wap range, so I'm thinking I should try to go fairly
> secure.
> Are people in general just trusting 128bit wep and using non broadcast
> ssids, or also doing things like putting the wap on a private network, 
> and
> then forcing ipsec tunnels from the laptops to a machine with a nic on
> both the private and the external facing network?
> Thanks,
> Dan Johannsson
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