[geeks] RIP, Ronald Reagan

Matthew Poertner bass at poertner.net
Sun Jun 6 13:37:14 CDT 2004

That's kinda how I feel about Clinton.

Do you guys REALLY want to start talking about politics?


Andrew Weiss wrote:
> Put it this way... not really... but he screwed up a lot of things I 
> care about now, and a lot of things my parents cared about then... when 
> one's parents are upset about things, one tends to get upset about 
> things too.  Also I got really really tired of seeing his face on TV as 
> president for 8 years and not particularly liking him in the first 
> place.  8 years is a really long time to a child.  He got old and boring 
> really quick.  I also was well read by the time I was 9 and kind of knew 
> what was going on in the last four years which made my instinctive 
> knee-jerk reactions of before actually make sense rather than being just 
> karma-ish.
> Fix your reply-to.
> Andrew
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