[geeks] RIP, Ronald Reagan

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sun Jun 6 11:43:19 CDT 2004

On Jun 5, 2004, at 6:47 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 07:02:37PM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
>> On Jun 5, 2004, at 6:56 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:
>> I was born in '76 and the first president I knew or cared about was
>> Jimmy Carter.  Especially the farther I got into the 8 long
>> excruciating years that were RR's presidency.
> RR screwed up your childhood?
> You would have been 4 when he was elected and 8 when he was
> re-elected, right?

Put it this way... not really... but he screwed up a lot of things I 
care about now, and a lot of things my parents cared about then... when 
one's parents are upset about things, one tends to get upset about 
things too.  Also I got really really tired of seeing his face on TV as 
president for 8 years and not particularly liking him in the first 
place.  8 years is a really long time to a child.  He got old and 
boring really quick.  I also was well read by the time I was 9 and kind 
of knew what was going on in the last four years which made my 
instinctive knee-jerk reactions of before actually make sense rather 
than being just karma-ish.

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