[geeks] Airport Express arrived yesterday!

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Sat Jul 17 21:16:45 CDT 2004

On Jul 17, 2004, at 21:43, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Well, remember the AirPort Express is an access point, it is also a 
> print server and an MP3 streaming client - it is the last two 
> functions (that I assume) would be IP address sensitive. For example, 
> to access an AirPort Express printer from a windows client, you need 
> to set the IP address of the Apple AirPort Express, which could 
> change.

This is ONLY because windows clients can't do Rendezvous. Apple clients 
find each other automatically.

So it IS on the same WLAN as your Linksys? Cool.


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