[geeks] 1911A1 handguns (was Re: Help me convert...)

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Wed Jan 8 22:36:51 CST 2003

> Kurt Huhn
> The H&K is up there, in terms of reliability.  Glocks are tough - IMO
> they'd have to be, since they're so damn ugly.  I like the USP, but
> don't find them particularly comfortable.  Like the Glock, I think
> they're a little blocky.

You know Kurt its scary sometimes how much we agree ;-)

The H&K is probably the second toughest handgun you can get behind the
Glock. Anything tough enough for the seals is tough enough for suburbia,
though as the point was made you do pay for the privilige. But they are
butt ugly. So are the glocks to my opinion, plus I hate their triggers.
They just don't feel "right". I suppose it's the safe action system that
does it for me. To me a properly adjusted Glock trigger feels like its
got an inch of creep in it (its actually only like 1/32" but it feels
like more)

Honestly though, most newer guns arent all that pretty. They're very
blocky, bulky, squat (especially in the case of compacts) and they have
unatractive finishes for the most part. But they're also touch,
reliable, and highly corrosion resistant. 

Personally for a carry gun I'll take a squatty blocky ugly gun that will
fire no matter what and wont pit from my sweat any day. 

And my sweat is pretty frikken corrosive. I have to get new temples for
my glasses at least once a year because my sweat eats through them. As
far as I can tell there is really no way to damage a tenifer or ro-guard
finish without being deliberate about it or dropping it from a fair
height onto a rouch surface.

Chris Byrne

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