[geeks] 1911A1 handguns (was Re: Help me convert...)

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Jan 7 20:36:01 CST 2003

On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 04:28 PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

>  Odd state, open carry is legal and protected, but
> concealed carry is illegal.

I wonder, in several states I've lived in WV, TN, and while I've never 
lived there, NC all allow open carry, however I've been told on 
numerous occasions that if you choose to carry a handgun open, you can 
expect to get hassles by law enforcement (this from either law 
enforcement themselves, or other officials)

By 'protected' do you mean to say that you can strap a handgun on your 
side, walk down Main Street and NOT get hassled by the police?

I've had many hassles with law enforcement (usually at traffic stops) 
due to legally carrying a concealed handgun, I can imagine how much 
worse it would be if I didn't have a CCW!

How are OH's laws regarding people from out-of-state? With my current 
licenses (both FL & TN) I'm legal in about 20 different states (I 
believe I'm legal in all the states that border OH other than WV), if I 
was to come visit you for a day of shooting, would I be able to bring 
one or more of my handguns, or would I be facing legal troubles?

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