[geeks] Re: Help me convert a computer illiterate to an iMac!

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Jan 6 20:33:11 CST 2003

On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 06:58 PM, Chris Byrne wrote:
> Actually the graphical login is one of the few things I like about XP,
> but what happens if you have like 200 accounts on the machine? Ive 
> never
> tried it and never bothered to find out if theres even a limit (Id
> assume there was)

The graphical login is one of the first things I disable! I figure why 
give away half the puzzle to anyone that walks up to the machine. That 
was one 'feature' of Irix that I didn't like, but there were so many 
others that I didn't keep the machine long enough to see if there was a 
way to shut it off! It's shut off on the iMac :)

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