[geeks] OSX and network filesystems

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Fri Feb 7 00:24:09 CST 2003

Hash: SHA1

My mother recently made the switch from win32 to OSX.  Back
when she was still using XP, i had setup a linux based Samba
file server for her at home.  Works fine.

Now she has OSX and i'm not sure if i should ditch Samba for
NFS or should i just keep it and go with the flow (AFS is too
complex for me to want to setup over there at the moment,
Kerberos and all).  I have heard some people bad mouth NFS
altogether, stating that it is outdated, insecure and poorly
designed from the jump.  I personally have only set it up and
used it a few times so i wouldn't know.  I have also heard
others state that linux support for NFS is lacking and
immature.  Still it seems odd to keep a protocol that is 90%
MS just to go between linux and OSX.

Anyone have any suggestions here?  Or any past experiences
with NFS on linux w/ XFS, good or bad?  She uses the file
server on an almost daily basis to move very large Photoshop
files around.  The server is also for LAMP stuff and a
firewall/router so any alternate solutions would need to
support those functions as well.


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