[geeks] Internship

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 29 11:00:57 CDT 2003

--- Rob Fielding <rob at dsvr.net> wrote:
> > It is nice to see other UK people on here :-)
> Well hi there from sunny Manchester!

Hi back at you!

> This place is so much hoopier :) I might even buy a Sun.

Thanks, we like it ;^) Suns are nice, esp. the very afordable Ultra 2's
on eBay, but SGIs are nice too (many if us have both)

> + various stuff, IRIX and otherwise at :

Nice web site, I thke the minimal design (I may peek behind the scenes
and use it myself...)



"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software"
Bill Gates, in "An OpenLetter to Hobbyists" dated February 3, 1976

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