[geeks] Being a guy, and being sentimental.

Dave Kimmel criscokid at v-wave.com
Mon Mar 18 10:51:04 CST 2002

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Jeff Borisch wrote:

> Not to mention all the material that gets wasted in the construction of
> *new* buildings. Check out the dumpsters at those job sites and just the
> scrap from one of those would supply me with all I need for my personal
> projects. Of course, as Josh mentioned people are very protective of their
> trash and they'll call the cops on you.

Are they allowed to call the cops over that?  Isn't it public property or

Just yesterday, I was driving home and noticed a dumpster in front of a
house.  They must be doing some remodelling or something.  They were
throwing out a large piece of perfectly good "wood" paneling.  I was
thinking that if I still had wood paneling in the basement, that the piece
they threw out would have been a perfect match for what was there.

-- Dave Kimmel
   criscokid at v-wave.com

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