[geeks] Being a guy, and being sentimental.

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Mon Mar 18 10:56:27 CST 2002

>> Not to mention all the material that gets wasted in the construction of
>> *new* buildings. Check out the dumpsters at those job sites and just the
>> scrap from one of those would supply me with all I need for my personal
>> projects. Of course, as Josh mentioned people are very protective of their
>> trash and they'll call the cops on you.

DK> Are they allowed to call the cops over that?  Isn't it public property or
DK> something?

The rule of thumb is that if it's out on the "curb" so to speak you
can take it but if the dumpster is on private property, behind a
store, etc. you can't.  The federal ruling was from an FBI case where
they found evidence by going through the guys trash and he fought it
on the grounds that the trash was "private".  He lost of course.

Mike Hebel                         mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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