[geeks] Booze and Religion

Jeff Borisch jborisch at columbus.rr.com
Sat Mar 9 11:05:16 CST 2002

Amy wrote:

>>>> Hmmm. I missed the stick in his ass. It sounds to me like mike is
>>>> only poking fun at the claims of this diet plan, rather than
>>>> proposing vegetarianism to be morally superior.
>>> hrm, then i guess what itsounded like to you and what it sounded like
>>> to me were two different things, huh?
>> Well it was intended to poke fun at the idea that O+ people *have* to
>> eat meat. I certainly didn't mean to say that Vegetarianism is morally
>> superior.
> borisch was the only one to bring up the idea of vegetarianism being
> morally superior. please don't put others' words in my mouth, it makes me
> cranky. :)

I apologize if I had a poor choice of words. On behalf of peaceable plant
eaters everywhere I give kangaroo-man a boot-to-the-head. I think what i
wrote would count as putting words in Mike's mouth too. Sorry, mike.

People like K-Man are an embarrassment to all the vegetarians I know.

> i've seen a cow up close. they smell, fart constantly,
> and drop piles of poop everywhere in a barn where they're cooped up.

I know some people like that, and I don't want to eat them. (-:

> plant-eaters also contribute to deforestation through mass-farming and
> diversion of natural irrigation.

This is absolutely true. Another fact is an overwhelming percentage of the
plants we grow on purpose (i.e. mass-farming) are grown to feed one species
of plant-eater in particular.


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