[geeks] Booze and Religion

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sat Mar 9 13:43:07 CST 2002

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Jeff Borisch wrote:

> Amy wrote:
> > borisch was the only one to bring up the idea of vegetarianism being
> > morally superior. please don't put others' words in my mouth, it makes me
> > cranky. :)
> I apologize if I had a poor choice of words. On behalf of peaceable plant
> eaters everywhere I give kangaroo-man a boot-to-the-head. I think what i
> wrote would count as putting words in Mike's mouth too. Sorry, mike.
> People like K-Man are an embarrassment to all the vegetarians I know.

i still have nightmares from that day. of course, i'm sure kangaroo man
has em too, cause he was the first and only guy i've ever kicked in the
balls. my mom about died right there of embarassment, of course.

> > i've seen a cow up close. they smell, fart constantly,
> > and drop piles of poop everywhere in a barn where they're cooped up.
> I know some people like that, and I don't want to eat them. (-:

hrm. gamers. you have a point! ;)

> > plant-eaters also contribute to deforestation through mass-farming and
> > diversion of natural irrigation.
> This is absolutely true. Another fact is an overwhelming percentage of the
> plants we grow on purpose (i.e. mass-farming) are grown to feed one species
> of plant-eater in particular.

cows eat grass, man. i only eat cows that eat normal grass. corn-fed
cattle taste wrong (flat tasting as opposed to a more 'gamey' taste).


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