[geeks] Booze and Religion

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sat Mar 9 06:42:04 CST 2002

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Mike Meredith wrote:

> There's a huge difference between poking fun at vegetarians and poking
> fun at steak/meat eaters. Vegeterians are a minority, and whilst for
> some it is simply a life-style choice, for others it is a deeply held
> belief that eating meat and fish is wrong.

this is understandable, i mean, i hold a deep belief that eating plants is
cruel and wrong. i've seen a cow up close. they smell, fart constantly,
and drop piles of poop everywhere in a barn where they're cooped up.
plants are pretty, smell nice, and are pharmacologically useful when they're
not being used as some crutch for a (usually) hypocritical belief system.
plant-eaters also contribute to deforestation through mass-farming and
diversion of natural irrigation.

there's no moral 'right' for either choice.

> Most v's encounter a huge amount of pressure to conform when they
> become v --- from both society and from friends and family

they're just gonna have to deal with the pressure of being
plant-eaters, just as we carnivores deal with an overriding number of
vegetarians who bug us and throw the bible at us about what we eat.

all's fair in love and the refridgerator.


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