[geeks] Resume

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Fri Jul 19 10:54:38 CDT 2002

	I hope you don't mind this going back to the list as part of the
critique but I figure it will help others also.

	You need bullet points. I know as a tech that idea probably drives
you nuts but an HR drone will be scanning this before the techy does. Break
stuff into bullet points. 
	Generalize your tech knowledge a little more. for example:
	instead of saying:
		Cisco Routers (800, 1600, and 3640) and Access Servers
(AS5300, STS-10x), 
		Cisco Routers and Access Servers

	You want to do this for a couple of reasons. First it reduces the
information density of the paragraphs so that the HR drones can find the
info. secondly the HR drone have a bad habit of not being able to
generalize. If their sheet that tells them to look for cisco routers says "
Must contain Cisco Router use" and they see " Cisco Routers (800, 1600, and
3640)" They may think to themselves "This guy is qualifying his statements
so he does not know cisco routers in general, which is what we are looking

	Now to hook the managers that this goes to. They want some tech, but
they want to know what you can do for them. You need to stress a couple of
things in a succesful resume. First Communication skills. A tech who can't
talk is useless. Secondly troubleshooting skills, third team player, and
fourth is cost savings. 

	"Also assisted on-site staff with various desktop support issues and
security issues."


	"*Worked Closely with other departments to facilitate their work
structures" - shows communications and team work
	"*Provided last level of expertise for escelation issues from other
departments" - Shows trouble shooting skills	
	"*Reduced total on call time for technical support issues by 10%
providing a one billion dollar savings to the company and increaseing
customer service satisfaction survey numbers to over 95%" - shows costs
savings and making the manager look good

	Hope these give you some ruff ideas.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

> Alright guys, cut 'er to shreds...
> http://catonic.net/resume/
> --
> Kris Kirby, KE4AHR  <kris at nospam.catonic.net>  TGIFreeBSD IM: 

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