[geeks] Am I getting too old or something.....

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Fri Jul 19 10:36:27 CDT 2002

> > Since their defense
> > mechanism is to play dead it is not uncommon to encounter 
> them here in
> > the south.
> OK, I am baffled, do things that play dead naturally gravitate to the
> south?  I am afraid I do not get the connection between the defense
> mechanism and the habitat range of the creature. 
> Tim

	No no, only things that smell like they died move down here. This
statement actually arose from my misconception that opossums where
restricted to the southern states of America. This information was based
partly on their name,Didelphis virginiana, and the fact that people around
here tend to eat them. I have since educated myself and have found out that
their habitat is much wider than I thought.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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