DIY Plumbing (was: Re: [geeks] FS: Javastation 1)

Bill Bradford geeks at
Mon Jun 18 11:46:49 CDT 2001

On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 12:33:37PM -0400, John Duksta wrote:
> Anyway... moral of the story is: Plumbers will rake you over given
> the opportunity. It's not hard as long as you take your time.

I have the view like this:

I do computers/networking for a living.  I fix people's
computers and networks.

Other people have dedicated their careers to things like
car maintenance and plumbing, electrical work, etc.

I make enough at MY career to pay someone who *knows*
what they're doing, to fix things that I dont want to
risk fucking up.

Sure, if something is small, I'll do it myself, but
things like completely rebuilding the valves on a shower
and tub faucet set, I leave to those who know their stuff.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at
Austin, TX

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