[rescue] Re: [geeks] THIS. MAKES. ME. SICK.

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 14 15:04:02 CDT 2001

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 03:53:02PM -0400, Earl Baugh wrote:
> This all said, I can't find someone competent to fill the position, or even 
> be really interested.   The folks I talk to
> either are A) Green as can be, B) Have decent experience but don't want to 
> work at a place that doesn't have hundreds of Suns.
> ( We've got 3 E450's, and 18-20 Ultra2's, so we're small but have some 
> "reasonable" boxes....SunBlades will be
> on our list once I see 4 proc models) or C) Just want to deal with "big web 
> farms of machines".

I'd love to get back into a mostly-sun environment (I've adminned everything
from HPs to SGIs to Sun boxes, etc) where I could do something *exciting*
and *interesting*.  I should never have admitted I knew hp-ux when I
started here, because all four HP boxes in the entire company got foistered
off on me...

Dont get me wrong, its a good job that I like, with a profitable company that
pays well, it just gets boring sometimes.

Sometimes I miss being one of the head guys in charge, and not having
to deal with level upon level of big-company politics, etc.

My stress level has gone way down in the past year, tho.  I dont even
run network cable or such anymore - they have entire other DEPARTMENTS
for that here.  I havent touched a router (that I didnt personally own) 
in over a year.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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