[geeks] MacOS X

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Jul 19 12:17:04 CDT 2001

> We were discussing this last year in economics.  Our theory is that the
> true reason why artists love Macs and Apple is that Macs are tempermental
> and Apple has a strong self destuctive streak.  It's not that Macs are
> actually better for art, the machines just have a personality more in line
> with the users.

Well, I am by no means an artist. (Those who know me know this to be
*very* true...)  However, I have *always* preferred the Mac interface.  It
seems to be more functional, at least when I have work to do.  Not that I
can't handle others - I worked for many years in the PC arena (Even
publishing using QuarkXpress on a PC!), and I have always used unix.  I
currently work for a Sun-only shop, and I have no problems using
StarOffice/Gimp/etc. to get work done.  At home, I run basenji.com on
Solaris, but most of my web work/writing/thinking is done on the G4 or the

I know of converts as well.  A good friend who has *always* been an X/UNIX
bigot just bought a 500MHZ G4 cube, cus in his words: I gotaa admit, APple
has the best interface."  Same with my PC-using spouse, who is now an
addict to her powerbook G3.

It's not for everyone, just like no tool is perfect for every job.  It's
funny how people recact, though - Take my mother.  She & dad, along with
my sister and myself, is the rare Mac user in a family of PC folks.  Five
of the seven of us kids use PC's, and they are always on her to get a
"real computer.", even sending her PC software for Xmas.

She finally told 'em all to get a life.  To quote: "I tried Windows (95),
and it sucked."  This is my 72 year-old mom speaking...

So, ya just never know...


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