[geeks] Re: 48v

James Fogg geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 23 08:19:14 CDT 2001

ok, from my previous postings many will realize I am a phone geek. I admit it,
I get a thrill from a dial tone. I can identify dtmf digits by sound. I know
the 5X5 color code by heart (really, I do). I know what red - right -
ring - rib means. My favorite phones are made of Bakelite(R). And... (this
probably puts me way over the top), I have a hybrid PBX in my house (an Iwatsu
ZTD 48X64 with both digital and analog extentions, upgraded from several
AT&T Merlins).

It seems some others have some level of phone passion, so lets drag the lakes
and see what we come up with.

Who's a phone geek?
Who collects phone schtuph?
Who knows the deep history of phone tech?
Who has a key system / pbx in their house?

Maybe this could be the lunchtime poll?

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, THOU SPAKE:
> Jim wrote:
> > btw, I recently moved from a town that has a crossbar. The telco refused to
> > give it up and installed dtmf "converters" to provide touchtone service. They
> > provided "pheatures" like call forwarding by switching the calls through a
> > nearby Nortel DMS100 digital switch.
> There are still places w/ x-bar? Holy moly! Even Connersville, Indiana has
> a DMS-100 or ESS5. Did you at least do your duty and break out your copy of
> 'Bluebeep'?
> -Jon 
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