[SunHELP] this is probably gonna be impossible, but................

John Duksta sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 6 08:38:57 CST 2001

At 07:16 AM 3/6/2001 -0500, Brian Hechinger wrote:
>this is what i see happening when i get the cradle:
>tip -9600 /dev/term/b
>insert handspring into cradle
>press hotsync button
>say, "what the hell is that?" as garbage scolls down my terminal window. :)


What I'm about to state here is what I remember from messing
around with my old Palm 5000 (upgraded to Palm Pro) but I imagine
they haven't changed much. I'm also working from memory here, so
forgive me if I'm not completely accurate.

When you press the hotsync button on the cradle, it shorts a
pair of contacts on the Palm/Visor which tells the Palm to
sync. The palm then starts sending a bunch o' syncronization
data to the host machine to see if the proper listener is there
to talk to. If it is, they negotiate user info, etc and start
passing data.

What you are seeing is most likely just fine. Although, you
might want to check the palm to see what bit rate it is set
for so you can be sure that tip is set correctly.



John C.C. Duksta, CISSP                      <jduksta at genuity.com>
PGP Fingerprint: 2037 FB34 8D4A 22D7 3EB3 EEF9 3ABA 997E F964 0EAF

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