[Sunhelp] Sol8/U10 Graphics

Alan Rubin rubin at ezy.net
Mon Jul 17 23:51:27 CDT 2000

Is there any way to change the refresh rate under Solaris 8 on a stock
U10?  We have 2 brand new 19" Sun/Sony monitors to go with our new U10s,
but the screens on both monitors flicker near the tops when hooked to the
U10.  That refresh rate is 76.  If we hook the monitors to a NT box the
pictures are fine running at 75 and 85.  Is there a trick I'm missing, or
do we have bad monitors or possibly a bad graphics card in the U10?


*Alan Rubin*
Sun/Unix/Networking/ISP/Web Writing
Email:rubin at ezy.net 

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