[SunHELP] sayonara to all of You:)

Dale Ghent sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 4 17:06:22 CST 2000

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, giorgetto:) wrote:

| Hello,
| I have got to siyncronize the date of 2 solaris  7 boxes whit an NTP server
| wich works whith two port (13 and another one,i think 37),but I really don't
| now how and where to start from.I know that maybe this  it's a very easy
| tak,but not having it done before i don't knoe really what to do.So please
| exuse me for my "inattitude":)
| Giorgio a "i'm tring hard to be an admin" and " my english it's not so
| good";)

NTP works on port 123. Port 37 is for the old and unused time protocol.

What you need to do is go to /etc/inet and copy the ntp.server file to
ntp.conf, and then edit ntp.conf to suite your network.

When you are done, you can run /etc/init.d/xntpd to start the NTP daemon.


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