[Sunhelp] Solaris Version Preferance

Brian Scanlan singer at redbrick.dcu.ie
Thu Aug 24 03:51:01 CDT 2000

On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 02:30:45PM -0400, Scott Walker wrote:
> What are your preferances in terms of Solaris?
> >From what I've heard
> 2.6 = Ultra Stable, Run this is you want stability

It's certainly the most used version of Solaris at the moment.

> 7 = Nice update, but pretty unstable

It wasn't unstable. It just wasn't popular because vendors had no reason to
get their apps and drivers certified on it, so most customers were stuck with
2.6, and because it's good practice to stick to one version of Solaris to roll
out, most simply stuck with 2.6. Every patch that went into 2.6 went into 7
first. 7 was the first version of Solaris to be 64-bit.

> 8 = Fix cause 7 was so bad?

No. Solaris 8 has support for the UltraSparcIII series, the first version of
Solaris to do so. Like any other release of Solaris, it improves on the
previous release by including all bug fixes, new features/packages and 
various rewrites of bits of Solaris. Solaris 8 is more of an exciting and
relevant release because of the new hardware support and a severe push by Sun
for vendors to get apps and drivers onto the new release quite quickly. 

Sun always use the latest release of Solaris on their production systems,
at this stage they're probably using Solaris 9 on their main engineering systems.

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