[SPARCbook] Sparcbook S1 OSes

Wm. Josiah Erikson josiah at insanetechnology.com
Mon Sep 9 07:23:04 CDT 2002

Does anyone know if the S1 has an 800K or a 1.44MB floppy? It's a regular 
1.44Mb, no? I really wanna see this thing at least load a kernel into 
memory :)

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Michael wrote:

Hi there,
>- it doesn't even 
>find the file to boot from for some reason. There doesn't appear to be 
>STOP key to get to the "normal" OpenBoot that I'm used to.

I've never seen a S1 or S2 but I remember that the early models didn't 
have OpenBoot ( or some really badly hacked OpenBoot ) that doesn't 
boot 'normal' Sun boot media. For the STOP key - does it have a Pause 
key ? At least on the 3 series that's where STOP is hidden ;-)
NetBSD only supports some 3 series models, none of the older. 

have fun

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