[SPARCbook] Help on Sparcbook 1.

Thierry Besancon sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 27 06:45:22 CDT 2001

Dixit Prem Uppuluri <prem at cs.sunysb.edu> (le Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:20:01 -040=
0) :

=BB Hi,
=BB I have a Tadpole Sparcbook 1 that I haven't touched for a while. I=20
=BB tried booting it and am encountering the following problem:
=BB 1) It says boot file /vmunix not found.
=BB 2) When I check for bad blocks and run for diagnostics, everything is
=BB reported
=BB    to be fine.
=BB What is the name of the boot file, is it vmunix ? I am very suspicious
=BB because
=BB Sparc's usually have a boot file in /platform/***  ?

Solaris 2.x usually have a boot file in /platform/***.
Not Solaris 1.x.
I think your sparcbook 1 runs sunos 4.1.x.


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